
Blueberries Ripen in June in South Alabama We all pack up and drive 5 hours South to pick blueberries and Grandmama Dollihite’s home. We go out early to avoid the bugs and the heat and by 10:00 a.m. we have enough to freeze for the next year. It occurred to me...

Local Food Growers Reprint

Local Food Growers in Alabama Studies have shown that local food can help with locally developed allergies.  This idea is revised for publication 04/28/2013 We have had a few problems getting Facebook to accept the blog posts, so some of our friends have asked that we...

Cheap Food Costs Too Much

Cheap Food Is Not Cheap When You Count the Medical Bills It Entails One of the paradigms of American farming is that the farmer has always been grossly underpaid. The people who buy the foods produced do so on a wholesale basis. They contrive artificial ways to...

A Better Way to Find Organic Foods

“Sustainable farms are to today’s headlong rush toward global destruction what the monasteries were to the Dark Ages: places to preserve human skills and crafts until some semblance of common sense and common purpose returns to the public mind.” Gene...