Local Food Growers in Alabama
Revised for publication 03/23/2013
We have always thought that the watermelons, tomatoes and other foods from local food growers in Alabama tasted better. Perhaps it’s because our taste buds are seasoned that way.
Recent studies have shown that animals that are raised within 25 miles of their birthplace thrive better than those shipped across country. We believe that is because they assimilate the nutrients available in the local soil and develop immunities specific to the region.
It’s harder to measure that idea in humans because we are more mobile. But research shows that items like honey, when made by bees within a local radius, can be more effective in helping one resist allergies.
It makes sense that the plants and animals that survive their time in the “school of hard knocks” are going the reflect their experience. That can be either good or bad, but in a system focused on providing nutrient density, nature leans towards good.
By enjoying fruits, dairy vegetables and meats from a local farm you can see for yourself the superior quality and have confidence in what you feed your family.
“Sustainable farms are to today’s headlong rush toward global destruction
what the monasteries were to the Dark Ages: places to preserve human skills and crafts until some semblance of common sense and common purpose returns to the public mind.”
Gene Logsdon – “Living at Nature’s Pace”
Imported foods hurt local farms
Farmers have a right to be angry. Forces and politicians much more powerful
than they are have been manipulating the way they live for generations.
All the component parts of the farming economic equation have been maniuplated for the benefit of large corporations at the expense of the farmers that actually supply the food. Everything from the cost of growing food to the price paid for it has endured intense governmental and market maniuplation.
Consumers have a right to be bewildered. Many grew up never knowing any other ways to acquire their food except going to the grocery store. Many children
think food is “made” at the supermarket.
So, when consumers finally realize that the corporate, large-agricultural food model is delivering inferior food that is lacking in nutrient value, they
begin the search for real food. That leads them to local farmers.
These are the same guys who are still being screwed over by the companies like Monsanto and ADM. So, like you, they have a new learning curve.
You have to learn how to buy food. They have to learn how to provide it.
There’s the rub. They can’t provide the food quality that you want with the same level of convenience the grocery store provides. You have to invest more
time, thinking, preparation and cooking experience into feeding your family.
What the farmer wants to know is “Can you be shown a better way?”